methlab monday consisted of finding a picture to put in this beautiful frame i bought at IKEA sunday night. i scoured my apartment for something and found an x-ray scan of my best friend kelly's insides. what else could i do but nail them to the wall?

i also tried my hand at needlepoint! i would like to thank viki for teaching me the basics. four hours later and i whipped out this baby. i'm most proud of the mustache.

{ my first embroidery }



band: dark dark dark
song: new york song
myspace: dark dark dark

i've been obsessed with local band dark dark dark for quite some time now so i thought i'd pass a video along to you. enjoy :)

a sleepless survey of sorts;

1. Where is your cell phone: to the left.

2. Your hair: resembles an old man. slightly blue, slightly grey. mini-mullet status.

3. Your mother:
it's her birthday;
happy birthday mom!

4. Your father: n/a

5. Your favorite food: homemade vegan-deliciousness.

6. Your dream from last night: i don't remember.

7. Your favorite drink:

& vault
& coffee
(but not vaulfee)

8. Your dream/goal:

i want to be a minnesota rollergirl when i grow up.

9. What room are you in: my bedroom.

10. What is your hobby: exploring.

11. What is your fear: i'm not scared of anything really, but overall the thought of paranormal activity does spook me a bit.

12. Where were you last night: rollerderby && communisty party

13. Something you are not: tired :)

14. Muffins: with cheese cake are delicious.

15. Wish list items:


1; everywhere
2; target.com
3 & 4 etsy.

16. Where did you grow up: cambridge, minnesota

17. Last thing you did: watched a couple episodes of veronica mars with friends

18. What are you wearing: new plugs!

19. Your TV: barely works.

20. Your pets:
i don't have any in minneapolis, but i have a lovely puppy in cambridge...

21. Your friends: are fucking awesome.

22. Your life: is spastic, but we're almost there.

23. Your mood: allllright.

24. Missing someone: nilla, always & forever.

25. Vehicle: my bike, bullseye

26. Something you’re not wearing: socks!

27. Your favorite store: etsy.com

28. Your favorite color: grey. green.

29. When’s the last time you laughed:
after sharing stories of habanero peppers and piss filled condoms.

30. When’s the last time you cried:
a while back

31. Your best friend: bacon friends  4ever!

32. One place you go over and over: coffee shops.

33. One person who emails me regularly:
i don't exchange to many e-mails these days, unless it's a newsletter.

34. Favorite place to eat:

35. Where do you want to be in 6 years:
the deadbird hornhaus; making art & coffee.
open up a coffee collective with friends.
well rounded & versed through self education.


viva la vulva

proposed t-shirt design for WSAC's Viva La Vulva concert event.


things i love thursdayyyy


via { 1 2 3 4 }


via { jenn nordberg }

via { here }


today i went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts with my friend connor. we traveled through the asian arts and spent a lot of time looking at the ceramics collection. here is a handful that i found inspiring.

The decoration was apparently achieved by affixing a leaf to the interior of the bowl 
before immersing it in the iron-rich slurry used to create the dark brown glaze 
used at Chi-chou. In the heat of the kiln, the natural chemicals in the leaf react 
with the glaze, rendering it nearly transparent.
via { artsmia.org }

i want to take a break from THINKING
& just keep MAKING.


& this guy is my hero.


dear universe,

thank you for tonight.

dez E.

john k. samson WITH A BEARD. my music monday couldn't be better.


love buzz


guerilla artfare 2.0

i updated the blog with a new background, header, and methlab monday banner. METHLAB MONDAYS OR: why i can only watch so much television. i plan on downsizing my internet networking and hopefully focusing more on this blog - gonnna do away with the methlab monday tumblr for now. i might start doing a "things i love thursday" as well, we'll see. any questions? no. okej.

an ode to...

methlab [not so-] monday

here are some past methlab monday projects that i did, but never uploaded:

does abortion = genocide? oh no it doesn't. twice a year some religious freaks come to campus with giant billboards depicting abortions, so to counter protest i made these.

my bedroom's sparedoor ... to the room of requirement inspired by Reminders. What do i require? My Bed! Clean Clothes! Books! and {poof} there they are!


i recently started another blog (oh hej!) with a few friends of mine called BOLSHECHIX. an all marxist, all feminist poli-blog. we even have a twitter.

here's the logo work i've done thus far:

it's going to be all sorts of news, all sorts of snark, and all sorts of fun. i'll post more when there is more to post - until then, check it out!

and a badge for this blog ^_^

use it uppp: