1. Where is your cell phone: to the left.
2. Your hair: resembles an old man. slightly blue, slightly grey. mini-mullet status.
3. Your mother:
it's her birthday;
happy birthday mom!
4. Your father: n/a
5. Your favorite food: homemade vegan-deliciousness.
6. Your dream from last night: i don't remember.
7. Your favorite drink:
& vault
& coffee
(but not vaulfee)
8. Your dream/goal:
i want to be a minnesota rollergirl when i grow up.
9. What room are you in: my bedroom.
10. What is your hobby: exploring.
11. What is your fear: i'm not scared of anything really, but overall the thought of paranormal activity does spook me a bit.
12. Where were you last night: rollerderby && communisty party
13. Something you are not: tired :)
14. Muffins: with cheese cake are delicious.
15. Wish list items:
1; everywhere
2; target.com
3 & 4 etsy.
16. Where did you grow up: cambridge, minnesota
17. Last thing you did: watched a couple episodes of veronica mars with friends
18. What are you wearing: new plugs!
19. Your TV: barely works.
20. Your pets:
i don't have any in minneapolis, but i have a lovely puppy in cambridge...
21. Your friends: are fucking awesome.
22. Your life: is spastic, but we're almost there.
23. Your mood: allllright.
24. Missing someone: nilla, always & forever.
25. Vehicle: my bike, bullseye
26. Something you’re not wearing: socks!
27. Your favorite store:
28. Your favorite color: grey. green.
29. When’s the last time you laughed:
after sharing stories of habanero peppers and piss filled condoms.
30. When’s the last time you cried:
a while back
31. Your best friend: bacon friends 4ever!
32. One place you go over and over: coffee shops.
33. One person who emails me regularly:
i don't exchange to many e-mails these days, unless it's a newsletter.
34. Favorite place to eat:
35. Where do you want to be in 6 years:
the deadbird hornhaus; making art & coffee.
open up a coffee collective with friends.
well rounded & versed through self education.