tonight howard zinn died at the age of 87 from a heart attack
& my heart actually aches. he was a big inspiration growing up.

i've read a lot of his books, but never finished reading A People's History. one of my 22 goals by the time i turn 23 is to finish it now. i played laser tag again tonight for my 'party like it's my birthday' (my birthday was sunday) in his honor. instead of dedicating each round to mother russia i dedicated it to him and i kicked ass! one round i got first place out of 22 players and became an excellent sniper. totally preparing for inevitable armed revolution no doubt.

22 in 23.

1.  No Internet between the hours 12pm - 12am.
2.  Fortsätta studera svenska
3.  Buy 22 vinyls (5/22)
  • john k sampson - route 85 EP
  • the sovietties - rarities LP
  • the soviettes - LP (lp)
  • dark dark dark - bright bright bright EP
  • low - the great destroyer LP
4.  Read 48 Books
  • assata shakur biography
5.  Learn Spanish
6.  Become a volunteer at the Soap Factory
7.  Try out for the Dagger Dolls
8.  Record cabinet project
9.  Get 2 tattoos
10. Convert bike to a single speed
11. Bathroom Art Project
12. Finish painting the Deadbird Hornhaus
13. Get a bank account with a credit union /
      cancel account with TCF.
14. Finish reading A People's History
15. Climb on the Spoon & Cherry
16. Make a million neopoints
17. Do a suspension
18. Make a bike messanger bag
19. Make a polaroid calender
20. Put together a Feminist Art show in my basement
21. Sneak into one of August Nimtz lectures in the fall.
22. Have coffee with Kevin Devine.

here are my goals for the next year. i turned the big doubletvå on sunday. 22 years old and still straightedge, that's kinda cool.


tonight consisted of making more whore patches (11 total, 4 different types) and redoing our Hippie Jihad screenprint. i love simple silk-screen printing. i also conspired for our coffee shop drawing up a sickle coffee cup and doing some other random doodles. i'll post pictures of the patches when i have some better lighting tomorrow and i might throw a few up on my etsy.

that's how all pretentious designers hold their prints right?

that's the test print, abby put one on a t-shirt and i made another patch :)


"this is what a feminist crafts like" e-pattern!

my very first xstitch pattern, THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST CRAFTS LIKE. available for download { here }

much thanks to KnitPro for pattern-making help.

if you use this pattern please email me at collateralxdamage (at) gmail (dot) com i would love to see how they turn out. i'll upload mine once i finish it. :)

tilt fem

i've fallen a little behind in my things i love thursday posts... let's try this again.

here are some video's that made my day:

look around you: maths

badder romance spoof
funny enough i had never heard anything by lady gaga and this was my first introduction to her, after watching the first half of this video i had to look up the Bad Romance music video!


last night some art circle friends came over, and my lovely friend abby gave us a screenprinting demo. while our actual images failed (we didn't leave the screen filler on long enough) i did manage to make a patch out of a leftover screen she had...

my pretty little whore patch

this is the test print of what we were working on.

we're gonna try again on monday and make a t-shirt and some patches yay! i'm going to try to finish up the xstitch pattern and most it later tonight or tomorrow.


working on my first pattern for a sassy feminist patch. once i complete it, i'll upload it for your enjoyment/use. here's a sneak peak:

today was the first day of classes at the university of minnesota and my first (official) day as a college dropout. how does one spend their time when they don't have to go to class? get up early as fuck, drink way to much coffee, and protest General Mills & Cargill! today i was proud to be part of a 42 person caravan of twincities activists to take part in the bannering of general mills headquarters with the Rainforest Action Network. While GM preaches sustainability and transparency, they are currently in cahoots with Cargill in destroying rainforests by using palm oil. findout more at www.theproblemwithpalmoil.org.


aerial shot: 

{ photos via tcindymedia }


win & win!

tonight i played four games of lasertag for the first time & it was epic! (!!!)

i also won this on eBay for 19.95:

a Polaroid Spectra 1200ff - which i mentioned wanting back here. I was also bidding on an sx-70 one step, but lost it before i left for the battlefields.

P.S. you can refer to me as Falcon from now on, and while my accuracy may only be 13.43% my tag ratio is 152.94%!



@ 11 weeks.
so big, so cute!
this monday i worked on canning jars of haus paint (don't ask) & i almost finished another cross stitch!

pattern via { radicalxstitch }

are any of you out there in blogland crafty with blogspot layouts? i need help with mine. on my macbook pro (13") my blog looks like this:

however,  on my roommate's 15" it looks more like this hot mess...

i'd prefer that it would like more like mine on all computers ;) any help would be appreciated.

back to the xstitching!



so after the overly-caffeinated party at our haus, kelly & i went back to cambridge for some relaxation and some thrift store shopping. the thrifting in mpls is few and far between and usually overpriced so i savor the times i get to go back and make a day out of it. it starts out by hitting up the wyoming, and then into isanti and finishing up by going to the local christian thriftstore in cambridge followed by the normal one and ending up in the co-op/coffee/used bookstore trio. love, love, love.

{ family pathways - wyoming, minnesota }
- 2 vintage maps of the twin cities & their suburbs
- a minnesota platter
- a ballglass jar mug

{ family pathways - isanti, minnesota }
- large bird embroidery
- raccoon needlepoint project
- turquois faux-bois table cloth
- a set of embroidery hoops (one oval!)

{ family pathways - cambridge, minnesota }
- large art/booze bottle
- farm embroidery
- jar (to be used with spices)
- metal embroidery hoop

plus, my grandpa picked me up a grocery bags worth of embroidery hoops from here a week earlier! we didn't have time to hit up the christian thriftstore this trip, but at the co-op i got an adorable (and local) mint sugar spice and at the bookstore an old book about beans with a lot of good recipes. after this run-a-round trip i went back to the cambridge family pathways to pick up a gutted record cabinet i had my eyes on:

it was on clearance for $10! i'm excited to fill it with nice speakers and to get an analog record player to put in it. i'm also going to make it functionable with a split in the case of wanting to hook my laptop up to it. it will most likely go into my bedroom, or maybe the livingroom, and if all else fails & i don't like it i re-craigslist it.


carlos' recipe!

Top Secret Coffee Punch recipe
to the highest bidder. 

i'm so excited for our coffeehauswarmingparty!