molly & viki came over today to do a photoshoot in mine & kelly's basement for molly's photography class. we played with lights & the aperture to create what will hopefully be some bomb photos. i can't wait for molly to develop the film on tuesday!
it was also perfect use of the basement that we recently cleaned out. nothing like trying to make the basement more artful and then getting to do a fun project right away. thanks girrrrls.
deadbird hornhaus,
om nom nom
the newly constructed free art bin in our basement! there's lots of floss, fabric, flowers, and other knick knacks to fuckaround with. very cool! much thanks to viki who donated most of the stuff. i have my own to add here shortly. i will be making a banner that reads "take what you need the rest is greed" (also my blog's motto) soon. isn't it a nice creepy little craft shrine?
after i did that i got a little stir crazy and brought out the embroideries again! it's been a while since i last did some chain stitching. a friend of a friend asked for a piece based off of this image:
and this what i was able to come up with:
(edited with a better picture)
&&& one more thing, for my music monday i've been listening to a lot of local hip/hop (doomtree & rhymesayers respectively)... here is a song i've been digging:
band: SIMS
song: like you mean it
myspace: sims
methlab monday,
shark attack
recently my bloggg has gotten more visitors thanks to a post on MrxStitch! which in turn doubled the number of downloads of my Feminist Cross Stitch Pattern. A wonderful downloader / fellow xstitcher, Ann, sent me in the above image of her rendition of the pattern. She also said that she's gonna teach her sister to xstitch using this same pattern!
it's a great way to learn to stitch and get the feminist talk going. my plan is to invite over some art circle friends in the future and start talking about issues that concern us, & this is a good introduction project.
tonight i'm going to not craft (boo!), but organize my basement into a more efficient art studio (yay!).
So yeah, Thanks again Ann for sending in your work, and a big thanks for the Shout Out on MrxStitch! i'm a big fan! & if you downloaded the pattern and made something rad, send me an email at collateralxdamage (at) gmail (dot) com!
my life as of late...
{ Hip Hop For Haiti benefit }
{ Skype! }

a few photos from the HipHop show tuesday and some ridiculousness of skype! viki/kelly/myself all downloaded skype the other day and proceeded to video chat with each other in the same haus. i also got to see my good friend Diane who is studying abroad in spain! miss that giiirl so much. if you have skype, lemme know and we can be chat buddies! haha.
and a preview of my new/old screenprinting project:
screen printing,
clusterfcuk chili
{ ingredients }
4 cups of bulk black beans{ spices }
peppers: green, red, habanero, jalapeno
1 red onion
1 can of black olives
a tomato or two
1 pack of extra firm tofu
1 giant can of crushed tomatoes (28 oz)
10 oz frozen corn
chili powder
1. soak black beans in chili powder / water over night. { info on soaking beans }
2. cook beans in chili powder / water until soft (usually >45 minutes)
& cut vegetables (excluding pineapple). i get a lot of what's in my chili in the free bin at my the coop i work at.

3.5 generously add spices to taste.
break apart tofu block into pieces and add to the mixture.
4. put in a slow cooker or continue to cook onstove top until all is cooked. you might want to cook the vegetables before hand if you don't like raw onions, or raw habanero peppers (!!! extremely hot !!!). i usually don't in order to keep the peppers and onion crunchy.
5. once all is cooked, add in the pineapple. it makes a nice sweet contrast with the spiciness of the rest of the chili.
the last time i made this chili and it fed all my art friends and then my haus for the rest of the week.
lately i've been in a funk where if i'm not playing laser tag i'm in bed no later than one. i don't want to blame it on the weather, but something has been keeping me down as of late. after a sketchy interaction last night in our backyard, a bunch of friends came over tonight to search our basement for treasure. a kid dived into our crawlspace to pull out an old empty box. no bling, no drugs, no AK47s, but an old janky box.
i guess what i'm trying to say is i should leave the haus more often and have some of that good ol' human interaction.
i guess what i'm trying to say is i should leave the haus more often and have some of that good ol' human interaction.
deadbird hornhaus
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