from detroit to greece;

detroit was an excellent experience and i haven't even begun to process all that occurred in the past week. hopefully soon i can reflect and write down what i've learned. the ussf taught me more on personal levels than it did on any sort of organizational level. overall, i'm grateful to have had these experiences and look forward to more eye opening occurrences in the future.


tilt: toystory!


so for your (and my) viewing pleasure let me share some ts3 related goodness.


radical collective afghan!

inspired by FYgrannysquares (& radicalxstitch) i want to crochet a bunch of radical grannysquares to make into a collective afghan!

including, but not limited to:
- hammer & sickle
- red/black square
- iww cat
- feminist/woman symbol
- raised fist

anybody want in?
please leave a comment or e-mail me at:  collateralxdamage 
(at) gmail (dot) com
subject: collective afghan!


look what i got at savers today! only 2.55 post-discount.

once i get a new camera i'll have to recap you on all the thrifty goodness i've been getting lately. off to the store then to the craft! bblllzz.


my alter ego

would wear these glasses...

and ride this bike....

and make matching bike panniers...

and my bike would have a coffee cup holder like this...

to drink only coffee from....

and spend all my nights in a city like this....

and i would be très chic.
or one big fucking hipster.

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