blog hiatus!

i know i haven't updated in what seems like a century, but i do sorta almost have an excuse...

i'm moving!

for reasons that are unimportant, i'm moving across the street from my current place. what does that mean for guerill[a]rtfare? a blog hiatus* for the time being. once i officially move in i won't have internet for quite some time. so i'm going to enjoy the rest of my summer and spend it in my new backyard with my beautiful puppy and wonderful friends and i'll be back sometime around fall! (hopefully with some big news!)

but i'm not going to leave you hanging! here's a peak into the wonderland of my backyard.. and my tillymunster! my how she has grown!

* a blog hiatus by no means a crafting hiatus! huzzah!


women workers

Women workers employed as wipers in the roundhouse having lunch in their rest room, Chicago and Northwest Railway Company. Clinton, Iowa, April 1943. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Jack Delano. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

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