finally bought a new set of carving tools so i was able to fix the outer part of the kale leaves. this is a scan of the woodblock. hoping to test print tomorrow when i have more energy!


365 photo project

today after a hyper-caffeinated day at work, i took advantage of the beautiful weather and finally went to bought an SD card for Lenny... And so begins my 365 day adventure! i will take a photo a day for the next year in order to learn more about my Olympus Pen and all it's wonderful functions. you can follow along here or i might post a recap here on the blog once a week.

... and to make life more exciting, my coworker has offered to handover a bunch of 669 polaroid film he found at his place. we're also negotiating him selling me his holga and instant back once the next pay period rolls around, i love working at my co-op.


TILT fjorton

{ source }

this photo makes me ache for summer! 4AM bike rides to st paul and back. staying up 'til 6AM and then sleeping through the heat of the day. late night walks around the park with tillymonster and backyard BBQs. ROOTBEER. color me over winter; two more months until spring!


if all goes according to schedule, my olympus PEN should be arriving in the mail tomorrow. it's my day off so i'll be camping out on the front door until the UPS driver comes. and it's about damn time, i ordered it back in November through pictureline and it was back ordered. silly me wanted the pretty white/tan combo! i waited until last month before finally canceling my order with them (i even knew the phone person by first name!). i then ordered it through amazon, and bam! i got an e-mail saying it was back ordered for 10-14 days. UGH! i just wanted my pretty camera.

fast forward to Tuesday and while at solidarity rally for Wisconsin, i got an e-mail on my phone saying it was going to be shipped! just in time because earlier in the day i had considered canceling my order, but didn't have time.

hopefully tomorrow will kick off my 365 photo challenge, HURRAH!


Tattoo I Love Thursday

a friend posted this on tumbla and i couldn't help but LOLOLOLOL. 
pretty sure this is the greatest tattoo ever.


instant gratification

an impromptu hangout sesh turned into LETS GO TO SAVERS AND THEN GO TO TARGET FOR DISCOUNTED VALENTINES CANDY. at savers i found this cute little box in the camera section.

i opened it and find that not only is it a camera, but 2 rolls of unopened film! i toted it around the store until we were ready to head out. we then ran to target where i spent 8$ on toy story and other valentine cards, and only one box of candy! i thought of purchasing batteries for the camera, but didn't want to spend a lot on a large pack that was near the checkout. i figured i would just have to wait and then buy a pack tomorrow at the dollar store.

once we got pack to the dollhaus, i opened the box and started examining the camera. it still had film & batteries in it! i started to snap a few photos and low & behold, it worked. i can't wait to play around with it more in the day time. the funny thing is, i always thought these cameras were stupid when you could buy them in the stores, but for six dollars i couldn't be more excited.

WIP wednesday

test print for LET THEM EAT KALE.



on Saturday, I volunteered to help with the annual Women's Prison Book Project pancake breakfast. unfortunately, there was no second rush and we ended up with a lot of excess batter. since i hate wasting food i offered to take as much as i could which resulted in me bringing home ONE GALLON OF PANCAKE BATTER. my roommates helped me cake-i-fye the mixture since i seem to be no good at cooking them. towards the end holly started making weird shapes like unicorns, and uteri, and minnesota. and now our freezer holds a gigantic pile of pancakes to be eaten at will. hallelujah.


hallowed bean thy name

another methlab monday printmaking mini-project. again - dedicated to coffee, but this time to the heavenly bean.

turns into..

definitely going to make bean-themed patches from these. i made a few on flowered patterned fabric. in the next few days i'm going to hit up a few coffeeshops and try to get my hands on some some burlap coffee sacks to cut up and print these and the coffee cups on.


i haven't left my bed in 2 days due to illness, but this couple costume sure brightened up my day! mrs fox looks gorgeous; the dress is cute and her mask is stunning. found here complete with sewing directions.