craftanigans for the week

  • let them eat kale linocut
  • craft harder birthday banner
  • vault hanging lights
  • TIWAFLL patch


mostly handmade christmas

i did handmade gifts for most of my family: an embroidery for my mom, a bookmark for my grandma, and shown in pieces above, a handstitched tractor plush for my grandpa. i worked on most of these while watching Dexter on netflix. i'm horribly addicted! overall each episode is pretty mundane, but the last 2 minutes of each show always ends in epic cliffhangers. i started season 3 last night, i'm so glad i don't have to wait each week like everyone else! i often watch an episode and the first 10 minutes of the next before going to bed, that way i don't have to be left in suspense, haha.


cross stitching on black fabric is like working with an itty-bitty litebrite. case in point:


slow & steady

wins the race.


rude reds.

some photochopping for my friends' blog rudereds.com - it's like the bolshechix only, you know, updated frequently. i'll be commandeering their blog temporarily to add these updates. make sure to check it out!



viva eyedea

band: eyedea & abilities
song: exhausted love


this is handmade: weaving

a 5 minute video of me weaving in my backyard set to "hairpool" by defiance ohio.

a gift for thisishandmade.tumblr.com



goals of the week.
  • public allies intervju tre (wish me luck)
  • axman
  • holy mackerel
  • craft circle
  • bike maintenance @ sibley
  • pick up Wild Go & Doomtree ticket
  • coffeeee
  • habanero party time
  • go to the library
  • This is Handmade video (på weaving)
  • watch part 3 of BLACK COFFEE 


i got 99 problems, but a post ain't one...

99th post, huzzah!

i picked up the USA bulletin board at a thrift store back home this week and stuck it in our kitchen as a "community bulletin board". it was missing a little something, something so i started methlab monday a little early (see also: sunday at 2:30AM) and voila! we already have a few fun events up there like Propagandhi at the Triple Rock and Chew & Swallow Gastrointestinal Circus. Not to mention a lovely note from our friends at RAN thanking us for letting them use our kitchen to prepare for our BBQ celebration today!

General Mills has adopted a sustainable palm oil policy, check out more information here!


current craftanigans

i assure you, on some universe this makes sense.


haus decorating!

i'm all moved in to my new haus, and still don't have internet. molly just moved in and holly will be moving in shortly. soon we will have a fullhaus! i've been keeping busy by mainly working a lot and doing little projects here and there... for example, i decorated the crafthutch on monday!

if tape/glue is sticky. and knives/scissors are sharp. then pens & markers would be.....? so far the best we've come up with is ink. 

that's all for now folks! i need to find some recipes on okra before i head out and enjoy the day.


blog hiatus!

i know i haven't updated in what seems like a century, but i do sorta almost have an excuse...

i'm moving!

for reasons that are unimportant, i'm moving across the street from my current place. what does that mean for guerill[a]rtfare? a blog hiatus* for the time being. once i officially move in i won't have internet for quite some time. so i'm going to enjoy the rest of my summer and spend it in my new backyard with my beautiful puppy and wonderful friends and i'll be back sometime around fall! (hopefully with some big news!)

but i'm not going to leave you hanging! here's a peak into the wonderland of my backyard.. and my tillymunster! my how she has grown!

* a blog hiatus by no means a crafting hiatus! huzzah!


women workers

Women workers employed as wipers in the roundhouse having lunch in their rest room, Chicago and Northwest Railway Company. Clinton, Iowa, April 1943. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Jack Delano. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

{ via }


a line allows progress

a photo post my three hour long weaving class from wednesday. i'm starting to get a hang of the ins-and-outs of it all. by the time this piece is done i will be spectacular at switching colors. if you're in mpls and have nothing to do this saturday, i suggest you come the weaving show at They Won't Find Us Here gallery. all us cool EXCO kids will be showing off our hard work. unfortunately, mine won't be any where near complete, but that doesn't matter because photos of my finished piece will end up right here!

once again!
Saturday July 24th
from 7-11pm
@ They Won't Find Us Here gallery
3500 Bryant Ave S (alleyside)


some goals for the week
  • craft circle
  • weave
  • go to cake eater / pick up yarn
  • complete my PublicAllies application
  • beach
  • make compensation coldpress
  • pay deposit on new haus
  • catch up on reading We Are An Image of the Future
  • watch one of the horror movies saved on my external harddrive


in lieu of my last loom post, i'm going to refer to my loom as a pipe bomb à la this bike is a pipe bomb. time to whip out the label maker! alright, back to crafting.


a methlab revisited..

it's been a while since i've been able to partake in a methlab monday. partly due to craftivities being moved to wednesday night hardtimes and partly due to sheer laziness. today, however, was a new day, in fact, it was my only day off this week. the only day where i don't have to be at work, a meeting, or a work meeting all week. so it was decided that today would be an all day craft-a-thon. i got up around noon (sleeping in is awesome) and ran and bought some toilet paper. made a few texts to get the crew together and by 3:30 the gang was all here!

after a short span of chit-chatting, we started to get our craft-on. while i didn't actually accomplish a granny square or anything of the crocheted manner, i did manage to get my slipstitch to look good. i continued to craft after some of my friends left, and then more came back and i continued to craft! at this point i switched to xstitching to continue working on my very botched edition of this pattern.


if i can build a loom, i can build a bomb

yesterday i started week one of four weeks of weaving though Experimental College (EXCO). in a mere three hours we were able to make and string a frame loom, kinda like the one above. that's a pretty big accomplishment considering i finally managed to crawl out of bed around 2pm, haha. next week we're going to start weaving, and i offered to bring the coldpress to They Won't Find Us Here gallery where we're working out of. i'm still trying to decide what would be a good first project that won't be too difficult. most of my ideas are pretty extravagant right now.

through EXCO i'm also reading We Are An Image From the Future, on the greet revolt of 2008. the first discussion date is set for sunday, and i'm about halfway though the reading. the best part is that the reading group is taking part on 3 fronts: one group in minneapolis, a group in santa barbara, and all together online: http://greekrevolts.wordpress.com/. feel free to follow along!

and today i'm picking up a kombucha scoby from one of my coworkers. i'm excited to try and make some kombucha, especially since GT has been taken off the shelves for being actually alcoholic. and while i love to buy local products, Unpeeled Kombucha is only good if you're getting the Spicy Mojito variety. i think the timing is perfect for me to start brewing my own! i hope this works at as gateway down the long dark path of fermentation, haha.

blah blah blah, words!


tall tall grass

i named her after The Wall and she loves Tall Tall Grass. Hard to believe my beast is 8 months old already, haha. Tonight we took a walk around Powderhorn park where we explored the water ... and the dirt. now she's my little silly stinky swampmonster.

p.s. i promise i'm still crafting!
p.p.s new veganvintage update coming soon!


from detroit to greece;

detroit was an excellent experience and i haven't even begun to process all that occurred in the past week. hopefully soon i can reflect and write down what i've learned. the ussf taught me more on personal levels than it did on any sort of organizational level. overall, i'm grateful to have had these experiences and look forward to more eye opening occurrences in the future.


tilt: toystory!


so for your (and my) viewing pleasure let me share some ts3 related goodness.


radical collective afghan!

inspired by FYgrannysquares (& radicalxstitch) i want to crochet a bunch of radical grannysquares to make into a collective afghan!

including, but not limited to:
- hammer & sickle
- red/black square
- iww cat
- feminist/woman symbol
- raised fist

anybody want in?
please leave a comment or e-mail me at:  collateralxdamage 
(at) gmail (dot) com
subject: collective afghan!


look what i got at savers today! only 2.55 post-discount.

once i get a new camera i'll have to recap you on all the thrifty goodness i've been getting lately. off to the store then to the craft! bblllzz.


my alter ego

would wear these glasses...

and ride this bike....

and make matching bike panniers...

and my bike would have a coffee cup holder like this...

to drink only coffee from....

and spend all my nights in a city like this....

and i would be très chic.
or one big fucking hipster.

via { 1 2 3 4 5}


take me for a riiide

i found this horrible excuse for a teeshirt at Savers a few weeks ago, and i immediately had to have it. I let it sit in my haus for a few days before i knew exactly what to do with it. my friend quynhippeg is leaving for seattle on tuesday and this was the perfect gift for her... once i gave it a make over.

the final product looked a little something like this

and this was her response when i gave it to her this morning. she said it was the most embarrassing gift she had ever received! well second after receiving an actual mustache in the mail.


making print.

i've been missing printmaking like mad and this photo is pretty badass! i definitely want to do this when i go back home sometime.

{ source }


tilt revolution

my internet has been buzzing with all sorts of political-creative-goodness this past week. allow me to share.

don't get caught in a bad hotel

a gaga inspired flashmob in san francisco!

Telephone Remake!

troops stationed in afghanistan remade GaGa's telephone which then led me to watch the real telephone which then turned into a lady gaga / beyonce youtube video marathon last night with two upstairs neighbors & friends!

Exhausted Noam Chomsky Just Going To Try And Enjoy The Day For Once
via the Onion.

follow up article: Chomsky too busy to ready the onion piece about him.

and my new personal hero, kannellos

Unfortunately, kannellos passed away in 2008, but this article says that his legacy lives on through Loukaniko a.k.a. Mr. Sausage. Hopefully one day tilly will grow up to be a big anarchist dog.

i think that's it.

what has been inspiring you revolutionaries these days?